Soar to Success August 2019

ADT isn’t an illness or character effect. It is our brain’s natural response to exploding demands on our time and attention. As data increasingly floods our brains, we lose our creativity and mistakes increase. Hallowell lists 3 simple things we can do to control ADT’s negative impact on our performance. 1. Foster positive emotions by connecting face-to-face with people you like and trust throughout the day. 2. Take physical care of your brain by getting enough sleep, eating healthfully and exercising regularly. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies 3. Organize for ADT. Designate part of each day for thinking and planning, and setting up your office to foster optimal mental functioning. For example, keeping at least part of your desk clear at all times. He suggests the OHIO rule when it comes to paperwork – Only Handle It Once. That’s my newmotto - Wish me luck! And remember… Whatever your Goal or Dream –WE Can Make it Happen.