Soar to Success August 2019

I have been reading about ADT, Attention Deficit Trait, lately. It was first coined in 1996 byEdwardHallowell inhis articleOverloaded Circuits, Why Smart People Underperform. Unlike ADD, a neurological disorder that has a genetic component and can be aggravated by environmental and physical factors, ADT springs entirely from the environment. He states that, like the traffic jam, ADT is an artifact of modern life. It is brought on by the demands on our time and attention that have exploded over the past few decades. As our minds fill with noise – feckless synaptic events signifying nothing- the brain gradually loses its capacity to attend fully and thoroughly to anything. Here are the symptoms – distractibility, inner frenzy, and impatience. ADT prevents managers from clarifying priorities, making smart decisions, and managing their time. This insidious condition turns otherwise talented performers into harried underachievers. Smart People Why Underperform By Joan Washburn