Soar to Success September 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 6HSWHPEHU %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV Use Education Based Marketing to Sell More By Pat Altvater Think about this for a minute – what do most small business owners say when asked what their best source of new business is? Word of mouth or referrals? Right!Many entrepreneurs say that and if it’s the case for your business, stick with me and I’ll show you how you can tap into many more opportunities. +DYH \RX VHHQ WKH 7DUJHW 0DUNHW 3\UDPLG before? If we take a look at all the people in our target market at this givenmoment, there’s only about 3% that are in buying mode – they are READY. They may put out on Facebook a request for referrals for a house painter, a web designer, a business coach – or theymay ask their network personally for those referrals. And thus, the person who wins the business says word of mouth is my best source of leads. What about the rest of the people in this pyramid, they are in our target market, but something is holding them back from having a buyer’s mindset. AND if we try to sell to them now, guess what they think about us – we’re pushy, right!! We think they are perfect for our product/service, because they are in our target market, but when they are down in the lower parts of the pyramid, we are jumping the