Soar to Success September 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 6HSWHPEHU %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV and support isn’t encouragement. It’s discouragement. Bottom line is you have to discourage before you encourage. That challenge is scary – for both parties. But the reward is sweet. Not only have you helped someone achieve a goal; you’ve helped them achieve a goal they didn’t previously have! But what if no one is doing that for you? First, realize that you don’t know how to do everything that’s required in your work. Next, pretend you are your own supervisor and ask yourself these 5 questions: 1. “What am I good at?” 2. “What do I need to improve?” 3. “Do I make use of available resources?” 4. “Do I ask questions when I need help?” 5. “Do I examine current best practices?” Big stuff, I know! Take all the time you need to EH VSHFLĆF Next, develop a new professional goal and write down the steps required to achieve it. Lastly, give yourself a deadline. This last step is really important as tasks without a deadline seem to continually slip. Keep in mind that when you’re encouraging, you’re instilling courage. That’s huge. If youneedassistance, r eachout tomeonemail.