Soar to Success September 2018

Success in real estate investing requires investment and action so come to yourmonthly real estate investor meeting prepared to meet the people you need to meet and become the person you need to be tomake your investment dreams come true! Discover these four ways to make your monthly meeting dynamic, rewarding, and fruitful! 1. Attend consistently. Make a commitment to yourself to eliminate the excuse of “I amtoo busy fromyour vocabulary!” This is not an afterthought, it is a commitment to excellence. Dedicate yourself to the goal of building dynamic relationships and make a personal goal of attending every meeting for at least six months. Commit it to your calendar and refuse to let other things get in the way. After six months you can re-evaluate to see if it is meeting your needs. &RPH ZLWK VSHFLĆF LQWHQWLRQV 3UHSDUH ZHOO E\ ZULWLQJ GRZQ three types of people that you want to meet at this event. Make it known to the other people in the group. As an example, you have heard of David SOAR TO SUCCESS 6HSWHPEHU %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV By Karen Cupp Four Ways to Make Investor Meetings Fruitful