Soar to Success October 2018

By Lisa Ryan If you have had more than two jobs in your career, you have probably had several bosses to go along with those positions. Most manager personalities can be broken down into three categories. I like to call them my “A-Team” because they all begin with a letter A. 7KH ĆUVW W\SH RI ERVV LV WKH DZHVRPH ERVV When you think about your favorite boss of all time, what characteristics does that person possesses? Some common traits include “trustworthy,” “has my back,” “challenges me,” “approachable,” and “fun to be around.” The second kindof boss is the average boss. For this boss, you probably worked hard enough so WKDW \RX GLGQèW JHW ĆUHG DQG \RXZHUH SUREDEO\ paid precisely enough so you did not quit. SOAR TO SUCCESS / October 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies Engage! Three Strategies to Keep Your Top Talent from Becoming Someone Else’s