Soar to Success October 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / October 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies know I’m doing okay.” Isn’t that interesting? A successful actor like Burt Reynolds appreciated being acknowledged for his work. David Hassell, Founder and CEO of 15Five stated in a recent article “Letting employees know that you are aware of their efforts drives them to achieve through intrinsic motivation, which is VFLHQWLĆFDOO\ SURYHQ to provide more sustainable drive than a bonus.” More drive than a bonus?! It is true thatwe don’t always have the budget to rewardour employees ZLWK D ERQXV RU VLJQLĆFDQW SD\ UDLVH +RZHYHU ZH FDQ WDNH WKH WLPH WR DFNQRZOHGJH WKHP IRU D job well done. However, in order to acknowledge a person for a job well done, we need to become aware of it. 1RW MXVW QRWLFH LW E\ KDSSHQVWDQFH EXW WR DFWLYHO\ ORRN IRU LW 6WHS RXW RI \RXU RIĆFH FRPIRUW zone) and look for examples of the excellent work being done by people all around you. Then make a point to acknowledge them for it. Because if a successful guy like Burt Reynold appreciates being told he is doing a good job, think how your employees will react.