She also realized others were feeling the same
way and needed the information she had
learned from her experiences.
Rochelle’s mission and goals have evolved
throughout her life. As the second child in her
family she did all of the things expected of
her, but she was not happy and her body was
not healthy. She had to stop and evaluate her
living process and understand the importance
of nutrition, as well as, exercise and the effects
they have on the whole person, mind, body
and spirit.
She feels her mission is to share her light to
help others leave their personal darkness and
help each person to find their true personal
light that reflects a positive mental approach
to life, whether it be in their business or
personal life.
Her foundation
, “Tummies, Minds and Spirits,”allows her to bring focus to every part of a
person’s life. If a tummy is empty, their light
will dim and individual happiness will be
lacking. Her mission is to share her light with
the community, as well as the world, to create
a shift in sharing that brings about a balance of
mind, body and spirit to create a better place
for every individual, community and ultimately
the world.
In her foundation work, Rochelle has actually
traveled to South Africa to reach out to people
to affect change and improve lives. Her
foundation goes into the tribes and villages
to assess their needs. With that assessment,
local individuals are trained and
funded to
make sure tummies are full so that minds can
be opened to receive nourishment too.
One of the ways Rochelle brings her message
to her own community is through participation
Indy Biz TV Shows as the Host of “Re-IgniteYo
ur Inner Passion.” Her videos on Indy Biz TVShows give her a place to share her message
to a wider audience and allows people to get
to know her more personally.
NOV. 2015
Feature Article