3 Keys to Soar to Success When Soar to Success asked Lou what three personality traits she found in most successful people, she said: 2 1 3 Having a Good Mentor “The right mentor does more than influence your life. They guide you through life’s issues and becomes a shortcut to Success.” High Performance Habits “There is a cause and effect associated with habits. Good habits will result in happiness, health and overall success.” Mindset and Clarity “You have to know, where you are, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, and where you want to go. When we have clarity, we can discern what works or what doesn’t. If we don’t have clarity and our goals are vague, we may get close, but not achieve what we really want.” Benefits of CARE WORK LEARN -CareWorkLearn.com provides all the information needed in one location -- The employee can sign up for themselves, or their family member -- Training programs are available for caregivers and HR managers -- Productivity and Profitability for the business increases By the year 2030, when the oldest ‘Baby Boomer’ will reach 85, there will not be enough nurses and long-term medical facilities to adequately care for the aging population. There is a large gap now and it will only grow as it takes four to five years for nurses to graduate and gain the experience to properly attend to patients. There is more need than ever to address the ‘Elder-Care Crisis’ in this country. Corporations are experiencing the largest work force shortage, since World War II and to maintain productivity and profitability a corporation must keep their qualified employees. Losing an employee due to caregiving duties away from work can be avoided. Care Work Learn offers a method for businesses to help their employees and assure their corporate health in the future. To find out more and learn how Care Work Learn can help your business visit: https:// careworklearn.com/. Learn more about Age In Place Sacramento on their Facebook page here: https://www. facebook.com/ageinplacesacramento/ We enjoyed our conversation with Lou and Stella. You can listen on iTunes or watch on YouTube.