SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article With the labor shortage in our country right now, corporations are finding it exceedingly important to keep their employees. They are looking for ideas to offer flexible working situations for their employees that are caregivers for their family members The current Employee Assistance Program only provides a list of local nursing homes, or rehabilitation facilities, as well as transportation companies, but their help stops there. Human Resource departments aren’t equipped to help employees with caregiving responsibilities which places more pressure on the employee with attendance and productivity requirements. For this reason, Stella Nsong created the ‘Care Work Learn’ platform to provide a one-stop resource for caregivers, that are already loaded with responsibilities at work and at home. “There isn’t an APP, or easy way to deal with caregiving. There isn’t one number to call, or website to visit that will give caregivers answers to the questions they have about attending to their loved one. Care Work Learn identifies the care giving issues and provides the tools need to create an all-encompassing plan of care.” Satisfied that everything is in place, the caregiver can give more attention to his/her own family and job. The corporation benefits from a less harried employee, plus the resulting improved productivity. ‘Care Work Learn’ is providing an answer for American businesses to offer onestop caregiving service to their employees. “When you care for your employees, they will care for your business and your business will care for itself.” Care Work Learn is the only platform that helps a caregiving employee to create a complete caregiving program and plan for their loved one, plus corporate managers are given the tools, training and support to properly supervise their employees that are dealing with caregiving situations at home. One very big problem with caregiving is that many families do not have a plan. Research shows that when we plan, we save time, we save money, we reduce heart aches, and we achieve our desired outcome quicker and easier.