SOAR TO SUCCESS / Reinvention Uncensored Pat’s Profiles: Jim and Chris Mack Owners, Hair Chiasso Connect with them at: https://www.facebook. com/hairchiasso/ In this episode of my Reinvention Uncensored series, I interview Jim and Chris Mack about Jim’s reinvention from a Jeep plant supervisor to the owner of Hair Chiasso. His wife, Chris Mack, was very much a part of Jim’s reinvention so it was great to speak with her as well. Watch our interview, where we talk about what makes Hair Chiasso the phenomenal success it is and how a supervisor of hard-core union employees has transferred his skills to managing a thriving hair salon. There are several things you can learn by watching this video: 1. When you start something from the ground up, it’s helpful to have “bags of money” 2. Set up your systems and use coaches to guide you 3. Having a partner with a different skill set from yours is beneficial One comment that Chris made, that so many of us, the small business owners of the world, have heard before but need to remember is: “never, never, never quit.” So when launching a new businessorevenanew product line, keep in mind the advice from Jim and Chris Mack. Reinvention Uncensored