to your doubt of your value or the value of your ideas. As Yoda says “do or do not. There is no try.” Take ownership of your ideas. To grow past this, listen to your communication and every time you begin to state something as a question, pause and reframe it as a statement. Using thephrase “I amsorry, or Imadeamistake” is a holdover from the little girl in trouble with her dad. We often do this to minimize anger or judgement fromothers. Taking ownership of our actions and outcomes is a powerful confidence builder. Women who know their value say what they mean and mean what they say, and they do it with grace. Become aware and make an intentional effort to practice and refine your communication. Find an accountability buddy or join a Toastmasters group to help you refine your communication skills. You will be surprised at how these polished skills will help you win more deals and achieve the outcomes you desire. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies alone will not be enough. It is awareness as well as exchanging old speech patterns with new ones. It is not just what you say, it is how you say it that will demonstrate your confidence and help you win more deals and achieve more success. Let us look at 3 words and phrases you should ban from your vocabulary starting now. This takes practice by crafting through your communication. The word “just” is an often-used word that minimizes the power of your statement and makes you appear defensive or apologetic. We use this subconsciously to shield ourselves from rejection. To grow past the use of this phrase listen to your communication and stop yourself and drop it out of your vocabulary. Using the words “I am trying to” or “what if we tried” are phrases that minimize your position. It is away of “polling” which subconsciously speaks