on where you went to school and where you work now, everyone has a different version of what they believe a vision statement is. Let’s keep it super simple. The vision statement answers the question: What are we building? What will this company look like in 3 years? What capacity and capabilities are we building? Who are our customers, and what is our geographic reach? What other items are important to who we are fundamentally? New technologies? Cutting edge product or service? These important descriptors will go into the vision statement. It might sound something like this: By 2022, grow ABC Window Company into a $40 million national home products company specializing in manufacturing and distributing custom and replacement windows and skylights to baby boomers and home remodelers. We are building a $40 company. We manufacture and distribute custom and replacement windows and skylights, and our target customer is the baby boomer and home remodeler. It answers the key questions. Go ahead and brainstorm what your vision statement might look like by answering the question “What am I building?” For more information on the One Page Business Plan, check out my web site at www.odastrategy.com under Business Planning. I’d be happy to talk with you about getting YOUR business plan completed and ready to serve as your roadmap to focus and thrive! SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies