As a business strategist, one of the first things I ask a company about is their business planning process. I usually ask if they have a plan, and if they do, I ask when they last took a look at it. See, here is the surprising thing! So many business owners and company managers do not have a business plan that they use for day to day roadmapping. Many companies have a plan that they developed in anoften intense and painful process, possiblyat anoffsite retreat, likely under pressure from bankers or investors. What happens to those plans once they are complete? Too often, these beautifully crafted, By Megan Patton several hundred page pieces of work sit untouched on the shelf after their publication. Let me ask you a question… how does a business plan sitting on a shelf help you run your business? Think about that for a second. It shouldn’t have to be that difficult! Imagine for a second – being able to get aworkable draft of your business plan complete in about an hour and a half! If that were the case, would you be able to find the time to write a business plan? And, if I told you that these plans really help guide the day to day running of your business…? Today, I am going to share with you how to do the first step of the One Page Business Plan: the Vision Statement. Depending The One Page Plan: Crafting Your Vision