SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies team or organization. Is it something to achieve or a behavior, habit, or process that you need to change and develop? Once you have the goals, I think then pulling in Simon Sinek’s concept of StartwithWhy is a great litmus test. Why? Why are you saying that goal is important? Why do you want to accomplish it? Will it be ok if you don’t either hit the goal or make headway on it? If the why is big enough the facts really won’t count much because you will find a way to get past obstacles. If your why is not strong, then all the obstacles will look bigger and cause you to be part of that 92% that don’t hit yours. Regardless of what model or method you subscribe to, it is certain that if you don’t think about the goals and set them whether written or not (though I highly recommend writing them), you won’t achieve them. For years we have been facilitating organizations and individuals assisting them in their goalsetting. To learn more, reach out to janet@ task performance. It states that specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback contribute to higher and better task performance. The model suggests that the following are needed for us to maintain motivation around goals: • Clarity • Challenge • Commitment • Feedback • Task Complexity They encourage goal setting related to process, performance, and outcomes. Years later in 1981 Doran, Miller, and Cunningham developed the S.M.A.R.T way of developing goals and objectives. Suggesting that goals need to be: • Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Relevant • Time-Bound Michael Hyatt in his goal-setting system encourages setting Achievement and Habit goals. I am certain you can find numerous suggestions for how to set goals and all have some merit to them. My suggestions are first to be clear and honest about current state and then to envision yearend 2023. What do you see at the end of 2023? Think of categories that are most important to you and/or your organization. For personal goals, I find the following to be helpful categories: spiritual, financial, relationships, physical, and development, and to separate out achievement andhabitgoals. Just likethosepersonal categories you candevelop the onesmost important for your