Will You Be Part of the 8%Who Hit Your Goals This Year? By Janet Kendall White It’s that time of year. Either prior to the start of the year or right about now, you are thinking about what you and your teams or organization’s goals are. Whether you are just thinking about them or already have them done, this is a good time to study them and make sure that they really are what you want to accomplish this year andyou won’t be like those from scientific studies that don’t complete them. Science shows that 92% of those that set goals for the year never complete them. That’s only 8% that do! The other crazy statistic is that a very small % of people even set goals. How do you avoid being part of that 92% statistic? Locke and Latham put forward the Goal-setting theory of motivation back in the 60’s. The theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to