Personal Growth Strategies SOAR to SUCCESS CONTENTS Magazine 04. 10. 14. 16. 12. 32. 30. 28. 19. 27. 20. 22. 24. 34. 36. Core Business Strategies Business Acceleration Strategies Without This… Your Team Can’t Function To Its Full Potential by Jack Klemeyer Be Intentional About Your Culture by Megan Patton The Importance of the Manager-Employee Relationship on Engagement by Lisa Ryan How to Make Your Culture a Seamless Tapestry by Janet Kendall White The MSP Money Tree by Jeanne DeWitt Why Do You Need Monthly Press Releases? by Melanie Rembrandt When Flying In A Storm, Rely On Your Instruments by Mark Allen Roberts Book Recommendation Reinvention Uncensored Why Some People Succeed and Others Don’t by Pat Bennett Trust the Process by Karen Cupp Harmony of Heart, Head, and Hands for Healthier Living by Heather Wiegering, PhD Our Favorite Videos Our Contributors Cover Feature: Kara Mac Creates Swappable & Eco-Friendly Footwear to Soar to Success