Soar to Success February 2023

+DUPRQL]LQJ \RXU +HDUW +HDG DQG +DQGV ZLOO LPSDFW \RXU OLIH LQ DPD]LQJ ZD\V <RX GHVHUYH WR feel good. The more you practice this, the sooner you will make choices to positively impact your life, health and purpose. Live better and lighter…one drop at a time. Go to and start to receive essential oils at wholesale discounts, right to your door. PLUS!!! As an added BONUS, gain access tomy personal, holistic ZHOOQHVV VXSSRUW 1HZ WR HVVHQWLDO RLOV" :RQGHUIXO 5HDFK RXW WR XV DW HPDLO VSUHDGRLOV#JPDLO FRP WR ask questions, one/one support, plus Virtual Conference Calls. Come join us online at http://facebook. com/spreadoils and #spreadoils. For the HEART = WHISPER essential oil. Try 1 drop over the heart. For the HANDS = BALANCE essential oil. Try 1 drop on each wrist and in the belly button. For the HEAD = PEACE essential oil. Try 1 drop at the base of the head and behind both ears. SOAR TO SUCCESS 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV