Soar to Success February 2023

Since February is the ‘Heart’ or Lovemonth around the world, it seemed like the natural time to share this information. I remember as a very, very small child, that when my heart, head and hands were in synch, I was happiest. /LIH ćRZHG EULJKWHU HDVLHU PRUH QDWXUDOO\ DQG MXVW felt good. In order to understand what impacts our sense of balance and well-being, let’s explore the 3 main pathways of information: Heart, Head and Hands. When the heart, head and hands (or Spirit, Mind and Body), are in synch, we may experience this coherence and synergy as happiness, love, peace and joy. When they are in disharmony, we may experience this as a sense of lack, confusion, fear, anger or sadness. Our job is to consciously and mindfully help them to build and maintain open, trusting communication with each other. Throughout my life, this perspective has grown and I am happy to share it with you here today. I refer to it as the Lawof Harmony: Trinity of HEART, HEAD & HANDS, or H3. 1. HEART – representing the Soul, Spirit or )HHOLQJ ê:K\ DUH \RX KHUH" :KDW LV \RXU SXUSRVH"ë I believe it is important to start fromthis foundation. :KDWHYHU LQWHQWLRQ DQG HQHUJ\ ćRZV WKURXJK WKH KHDUW ćRZV ZLWK JUHDW IRUFH 7KH KHDUW UHSUHVHQWV the voice of intuition and emotional intelligence. It is believed there are more neuropathways from the heart to the brain, than from the brain to the heart. 2. HEAD – representing the Mind, Intelligence or 7KRXJKW ê:KDW ZLOO \RX GR"ë ,W LV WKH YRLFH RI ORJLF and intellect. Over 90% of our choices are directed by the subconscious. This means we need to take more time to listen and pause before taking action or reacting. 3. HANDS – representing the Physical, Behavior RU &KDQJH ê+RZ ZLOO \RX NQRZ LW LV FRPSOHWH" :KDW VSHFLĆF PHDVXUDEOH REVHUYDEOH DFWLRQV ZLOO KDYH KDSSHQHG"ê 7KH KDQGV PD\ DOVR EH FDOOHG WKH %RG\ or the Gut. This represents material existence and physical, observable actions, including physically, mechanically or physiologically by the body. In relation to the body, this may be seen as ‘gut feelings’. The gut produces 90% of the body’s feelgood chemicals, called serotonin. How can we help keep the Heart, Head and Hands LQ V\QFK" There are a variety of holistic andwellness practices to keep your H3 in balance. It varies per person. Some of my favorites include nature, writing, yoga, meditation, supportive hypnosis and essential oils. The following DoTerra essential oils support Harmony of Heart, Head and Hands. By Heather McKinney Wiegering, PhD