Soar to Success February 2023

TheImportanceofthe Manager-Employee Relationship on Engagement By Lisa Ryan The employee-manager relationship is a fundamental aspect of any organization, as it directly impacts the overall performance, productivity, and success of the company. A positive relationship between managers and employees can increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, leading to higher productivity and better performance. In addition, employees are more likely to stay in their jobs longer, and the turnover rate will be reduced, which can save the organization the cost and effort of recruiting and training new employees. Furthermore, when employees feel valued and respected by their managers, they are more likely to feel more satisfied and happier in their work, which positively affects their mental and physical wellbeing. On the other hand, a weak or negative relationship between managers and employees can have the opposite effect. For example, a toxic work environment characterized by poor communication and a lack of trust and support can lead to low employee morale, high turnover, and poor performance. In addition, employees who feel they need to be more valued and respected are likely to be less engaged in their work, resulting in lower productivity and a lack of commitment to the organization. This can lead to a cycle of adverse effects on the organization, including high costs of recruitment and training, lower productivity, and a lack of innovation. Here are three ideas to get started: Embrace the mindset of a meaningful partnership. When both sides recognize that they are mutually dependent on each other for the health of the working relationship, they can better focus on supporting each other. Managers should see employees as valuable assets to