H o w t o M a k e Your Culture a Seamless Tapestry By Janet Kendall White I recently read an article on organization culture, and it said that a robust culture isn’t about perks, it’s about how people are treated. I agree with that perspective in part, but I also agree with another quote in the article that states that building a corporate culture requires immense patience and relentless dedication. It starts and probably ends with how we treat each other but then there are the policies, procedures, and systems that get put in place as an organization grows. That is an opportunity for “how we treat each other” to be reflected in the tapestry of the organization. Also, what does it mean exactly, “how we treat each other”? That must be defined down to behavioral actions for leaders to live it together as an organization grows in numbers. So often culture is seen as touchy-feely and separate from the business or the “real” goals and objectives. That could not be further from the truth. Study after study has shown that a good culture is a more productive culture, a more productive and engaged workforce and organization. The discipline that it takes to create that culture starts with planning and then moves through ongoing development, implementation, and finally accountability.