Right now, many companies try to help by simply providing their employee a list of resources and agencies that could provide some help to the caregiver. Very often, the employee will spend hours on the phone or online looking for help and many hire the wrong and inappropriate type of a caregiver because they do not know the kind and level of care that their loved one is supposed to have. “If you are a new caregiver, you have no clue, you don’t know where to turn first, or the correct questions to ask. It’s very confusing. The eldercare system is very fragmented and complex. We can help educate the caregiver and provide the resources necessary to help them plan ahead and find the right services and situation for their aging family member. This program will help managers provide support to their employees dealing with the added burden of being a family caregiver.” Planning ahead can make all the difference. Knowing what to do ahead of the time, when mom, or dad can no longer live alone, or has fallen and requires an extended in-home rehabilitation. “My company, In-Home Caregivers along with careworklearn.com wants to make an impact. Employers and employees will have access to accredited services and resources to plan for care and relieve the stress of caring for family member to make life easier for the employee, as well as the employer.” Isoken found that she was devoting so much of her time to her business that she was neglecting herself. Her mentor suggested that she should find a hobby that would allow her to de-stress and have fun. Hobby?? Isoken couldn’t think of a single hobby. “I decided to join a gym and become more active. When I found a ping pong table in the facility, a “light bulb went off in my head”. I played Table Tennis as a child with my brothers and neighbors which brought me feelings of joy, this was a defining moment for me knowing that I found my hobby after all. Now, I challenge myself to spend a minimum of 90 minutes every week just devoted to table tennis regardless of my busy schedule. I have made new friends playing ping pong, even got a new client on one of those occasion.