Soar to Success April 2023

PAT ALTVATER Be Sure to Cherish The Present Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing Cherishing the present and appreciating the gift of life is a powerful mindset that can enrich your life in so many ways. This means you are fully engaged in the moment, embracing the beauty and wonder of life, and feeling grateful for every opportunity that comes your way. When you cherish the present, you are fully immersed in the here and now, rather than being preoccupied with the past or future. You take the time to notice the small details that make life meaningful and spend time with the people and experiences that bring you joy. One of our contributors, Holly Kile, died in March. Holly was creative and brilliant and much too young to leave us so soon. We will miss her. In her honor, in this issue we reprinted one of her articles from before she became sick…Harness the Power of the Published Author on page 28. When someone dies, it provides perspective, doesn’t it? So cherish the present and appreciate the gift of life, in order to create a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your life.