Ways to Make Flexible Scheduling Work for You By Lisa Ryan When it comes to work hours and workspace, chances are good that we are never going back to the “good ole days” of 2019. Flexible scheduling is no longer a “nice to have,” it’s an expectation. It’s essential that business leaders figure out how to adjust scheduling practices to keep up with employee expectations. For the most part, employees who have gotten used to working from home are not going to be crazy about going back to the same structured work schedule that they had before the pandemic. Company leaders have also now discovered that tasks that were strictly supposed to be done “in-house” could be successfully completed offsite. So how do you adapt a more flexible scheduling model? Here are three strategies to help: Establish a basic framework. Start with a schedule thatwill accommodate theminimal, or essential, shift coverage. As customer demand climbs, you can always make additional shifts available. You may want to implement core hours where everyone needs to be there but allow flexibility for the rest of the time.