Soar to Success November 2022

How do you handle a sales call? Do you pull out your slide deck and wow the prospect with all the bells and whistles of your product or service? How’s that working out for you? There IS a better, more effective way to sell. Selling is not about telling someone all about your product or service. Yet, this is the way all salespeople approach selling. They get the golden appointment with the prospect and then they talk, talk, talk. So often they leave the appointment feeling great but never get the prospect back on the phone! No kidding! Sales is about discovery and matching a solution to a problem. The only way you know if you have the right solution is if you are asking a Strategic Sales Systems By Diane Helbig ORW RI TXHVWLRQV 7RR PDQ\ SHRSOH DVVXPH WKH\ have the best solution and if they just explain it well enough, it’ll be a slam dunk! I suggest you look at things differently. First of all, until you get to know the prospect you don’t know if you even want to do business with WKHP 7KH\ PLJKW EH D GLIĆFXOW FOLHQW 7KHUH isn’t enough money in the world that can make that a good situation. Secondly, you don’t know whether you really have a good solution for them until you know their circumstance. They may seem like the perfect client – until you get to know them. Then you might discover that you can’t really help them. And that’s okay!