SOAR TO SUCCESS / Book Recommendation Force of Habit: Unleash Your Power by Developing Great Habits By Tamsin Astor, PhD Dr. Tamsin Astor has this to say about her book: “This is a little tool book, giving you some key insights into the main self-care tools and habits that, if you work to put them into place, will make your life more pleasurable and will create freedom from that feeling that you’re never enough, that there’s never enough time in the day to do all the things you want and need to do!” I couldn’t agree more. Plus, it’s a bonus that she writes in a quirky, fun tone that makes it enjoyable to read. I also am especially a fan of books based on research and Force of Habit, certainly is. We all know how difficult it is to change our behavior and one of my favorite concepts in the book is to sandwich in a newbehavior between two already ingrained habits. Take meditation, for example,…which after reading this book, you can’t ignore thepositivebenefitsachievedbyregular meditation…Tamsin suggests that we fit in meditation, if it’s not already a daily habit, between brushing our teeth and making our bed (assuming that those things are naturally done every day without giving them much thought). I started today, I’ll let you know how it goes. I highly encourage you to read Tamsin’s book; it’s a wake-up call, with instructions for how to shift so that we can more fully live in our power. One final quote from Tamsin: “What you do every day adds up to how you live your weeks, your months, your years –your entire life.” By Pat Altvater About the Author Tamsin Astor, PhD helps busy people organize themselves so they have time for what they want and need and time for fun! Tamsin is a native Londoner who moved to the USA in 2002 for a big adventure and never left. Three kids, six homes, a divorce, a child’s cancer diagnosis and two States later, she is a resident of the divine and gritty and musically-resplendent and gastronomically-fantastic and weather-challenged Cleveland, OH. Tamsin loves livemusic, self-care, black chocolate, nourishing rituals, freshly baked bread, long hugs, dark roast coffee and adding stamps to her passport and experiences to her heart and mind. She has a unique take on life - blending Eastern and Western traditions, a PhD in Neuroscience, Psychology, Executive Coaching Certifications with Yoga (E-RYT500), Yoga Healthy Coaching, Ayurveda and Meditation.