Soar to Success May 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies activities. Our brains are notorious for looking to create data to support an old tape. Stop searching for data that backs up a negative thought you might have. For example, I had a friend who always stated that she was poor and never got any breaks. That was exactly what she manifested. The law of attraction will give you exactly what you focus on. Second – be mindful and present with your thoughts. By being present with your thoughts you can focus on those tasks that move you closer to your new realty. Focus on the priorities and feelings are signaling systems, not your operational system. Don’t let these signals dictate your purpose, your boundaries your needs or your overall experience. Our mind can be a playground of great possibilities or of endless miseries. Choose wisely how you feed it. Be a servant of excellence. There is a Polish proverb that helps me push past worries I want to hang on to but do not serve me well. It is “not my circus, not my monkeys.” Just because life gives the monkey a name doesn’t mean the monkey has permission to move in and live with you. the tools you need rather than allowing default responses move in to derail you. The faster that you catch them and redirect them the better you will be. The law is simply reflecting and giving back exactly what you are focusing on. Eliminate excuses and complaining and replace them with gratitude and healthy practices. Make a list of what you can control and what you cannot. Be quick to identify and cast off what you cannot control and move on. Third – don’t give your emotions the steering wheel –