Soar to Success May 2022

Goals are essential in business, and in life. It’s a widely accepted belief that setting a goal provides you with the opportunity to set your course. Without a goal you’ll wander aimlessly. So, goals are good. The trick is to set the goal at the highest point where every decision is a direct response to that goal. Too often business leaders move the goal without realizing it. The results are pretty Goalposts Are Stationary For A Reason By Diane Helbig damaging. Moving the goal can lead to low morale, high turnover, quality issues, and deficient outcomes. What does that look like? When a leader shares a goal with their teamand then says, ‘and do it this way’ they have moved the goal to ‘do it my way.’ The focus moves to the how, not the what. That is really a control thing. Control is all about mistrust. When we trust our team