Soar to Success March 2022

plan to get there and move forward to Breakthrough. “The one thing I like to tell people, or at least I like to plant with them about the Break Stage is that while it feels horrible, there’s a real silver lining to getting there. And that silver lining is that you designed a system inside of your business that was perfectly constructed to break you. So that means you can also design a system to get you out.” There are great coaches and organizations such as, Strategic Coach, Vistage YPO, or EO, who can help you meet other people struggling with the same issues you are facing and help you work on your issues. “The one tip I can give business owners stuck in the Break Stage is, Get Help. Talk with another entrepreneur and discuss the problems you are facing. Don’t expect someone else to give you the secret answer, but just the act of talking with someone, rather than keeping things bottled up inside, can help the light bulb go off in your head.”