Soar to Success June 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article Brittany is President and one of the partners of Sweet Financial Partners in Southern Minnesota as well as Co-founder of Dare to Dream Enterprises. Her team works with clients to find out what they really want from their retirement and ultimately help them fulfill their “Dreams.” Brittany told us: “I believe that it doesn’t matter where you came from, or what’s happened up to this point, what matters is what you focus on going forward, and the opportunities that you create for yourself. It’s exciting to see people achieve what they want.” Sweet Financial Partners are committed to five key principles, that include: client-focused, honesty & integrity, excellence, teamwork and positive mindset. They treat their clients like family, always strive to do the right thing for them, are always prepared, believe in the strength of a strong team and believe that a positive mindset creates a positive result. Having a positive mindset is all encompassing for Sweet Financial Partners, as it relates to internal attitudes as well as how they operate externally. They strive to teach clients who may be going through difficult transitions, that if they lean into it, they will get through it and may find greatness ahead. Brittany and her team have worked closely with business owners over the years helping provide them with a plan for cash flow, such as money managing concerns to assure their personal finances are sufficient for their family’s needs. In addition to this they’ve helped people build wealth for a comfortable retirement. While their focus is primarily on business owners who have had a liquidity event, many of their clients, that operated their own business, have spent their days overseeing operations, staff and sales. Personal long term financial goals can get swept under the rug without proper attention. Over time, little problems can become large problems. If a solid plan is not in place, when they reach retirement age, they may find they are woefully short and are unable to leave the working world behind and slip off quietly to a secluded beach. “While our clients are actively running their business, we provide insights and tips to streamline their operation, so they can experience more of what life has to offer. Owning a business creates a new level of stress. We can help provide insights to relieve some of that.” Brittany’s talented team of financial professionals provide the insights, to add value on top of the basic wealth management. Business owners spend their entire working lives in their business, it becomes like another child, or a part of their identity. Business owners get so tied up the day-to-day operation, they forget to stop and think about, “What’s next?” Early in his career, Bryan Sweet, the founder of Sweet Financial Partners, found a common thread among his clients that had retired. They all had invested so much time and energy in their working years that retirement came as a complete surprise to them. He found their questions centered around. I wake up and wonder, ‘What am I supposed to do now?’