Soar to Success June 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Book Recommendation LIFE MAPPING: A Journey of Self Discovery and Path Finding By Monika Moss-Gransberry You may have noticed if you’ve been following my column here in Soar to Success Magazine, that I love books that are personal growth. This book by Monika Moss-Gransberry has everything that I enjoy in a book: lessons, examples, journaling VXJJHVWLRQV DORQJ ZLWK ĆOO LQ WKH EODQN exercises that can be done right in the book. I’m also a fan of any book that helps people take responsibility for their lives and gives pointers on how to gain the clarity needed to manifest your vision and learn to shift your thinking so your energy is focused on what you want and need vs. all the other distractions in life. $OVR LQFOXGHG DUH VSHFLĆF PHGLWDWLRQV DIĆUPDWLRQV DQG MRXUQDO ZULWLQJ exercises that will encourage you to explore more fully all that you are and have the potential to become. I’m still in the process of working through the book but so far, I am loving it and I think you will too. Monika Moss-Gransberry created this process IRU KHUVHOI DQG KDV UHĆQHG LW RYHU many years to be something we can DOO EHQHĆW IURP XVLQJ ,WèV D IDQWDVWLF WRRO å JUDE D copy and get started. By Pat Altvater About the Author Monika K. Moss-Gransberry has dedicated her talents to transforming organizations and building the capacity of the individuals in them. As founder of MKM Management Consulting LLC, Monika is a trusted thinking partner, master facilitator and executive coach, whose systems approach, expands her clients’ capacity to accomplish their vision in a constantly changing environment, where complex factors dictate an integrated strategic solution. She approaches her work like she approaches life, with unconditional love and integrity. $ FHUWLĆHG *HVWDOW 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO 6\VWHPV 'HYHORSPHQW 3UDFWLWLRQHU DQG &RDFK 0RQLND FXUUHQWO\ VHUYHV RQ WKH IDFXOW\ RI WKH *HVWDOW 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO 6\VWHPV 'HYHORSPHQW &HQWHU ZKLFK WUDLQV RUJDQL]DWLRQDO GHYHORSPHQW SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG H[HFXWLYHV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG LQ RUJDQL]DWLRQDO HIIHFWLYHQHVV DQG VHOI PDVWHU\ 6KH LV D FHUWLĆHG facilitator by the Institute of Cultural Affairs using the ToP Technology group facilitation and strategic planning methods. Monika is a senior coach and trainer for Move the Crowd, training the next generation of conscious entrepreneurs and visionaries. She also serves on the faculty of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Initiative both the Cleveland and National Programs, growing small businesses to create jobs and contribute to a robust economy.