Soar to Success June 2022

We’ve all experienced leaders whose style works or doesn’t. It begs the question – are some methods better than others. There are three basic forms of leadership – Ask, Tell, Empower. Ask With this leadership style employees are asked to perform tasks and take on certain responsibilities. Typically, it’s a gentle request without any Being An Effective Leader By Diane Helbig to be too authoritarian. Unfortunately, this can leave employees feeling untethered to direction and outcomes. When people are unsure of direction or what they are allowed to do they tend to scale back. They will do less, make fewer decisions, and therefore, accomplish less. Tell With this leadership style employees are not only expectations and consequences attached. This can leave the employee uncertain about how important the function is. They are also in the dark about what the impact will be of doing, or not doing, what is asked. Imagine the fallout when the leader gets fed up with things not being done, or not being done in a timely fashion! Leaders who are Askers are usually conflict avoidant and are concerned about appearing