Soar to Success January 2022

So, pay attention to your emotions and perceptions. When you find yourself moving to negative thinking or feelings, switch to a positive, feel good memory. Hold that memory and feel it in your heart center in the middle of your chest. Stay with that feeling, sensation for at least a minute. This is a quick technique to bring peace and calm to your system quickly and effectively. To learn more about techniques to calm your chaos in 5minutes or less, check outmywebsite at SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies The energy field of the heart can be measured up to 60 times more amplitude than the brain. So, the heart and your emotions rule your behavior and not your mind nor how you think. In fact, it has been shown that negative emotions can actually change the shape of your EKG or heart pattern. Wow! So, it is really important to be in an awareness of how you think and feel because it is affecting your physical well-being. On the other hand, we find that love, care and compassion create a smoother heart pattern. There is a connection between your metaphorical heart and the physical heart. The Procedure is Over, But the Pain Lingers On Yes, the bypass was successful. The chemotherapy worked. The kidney was a perfect match. Does this mean that your job is over? Modern medicine is truly miraculous. There seems no end to the ways we can cure diseases and repair injuries. But medical procedures can be brutal on the body. Patients are often left with distressing side effects and unpleasant consequences of treatment. Take the Next STEP for Your Patients THE SUPPORTIVE THERAPY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM (STEP) will help you implement or improve a Supportive Therapy program in your institution. Integrating therapies which address side effects of medical procedures is the next STEP toward better total patient outcomes. Supportive Therapies for Better Outcomes 419-349-1815