Soar to Success January 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies Here are action steps you can take right now to reclaim your business success: Do something different – Have you gotten complacent in your business? You do the same ole’ same ole’, week in and week out. It can be an awesome thing to get systems down so your business runs like clockwork, but have you lost the excitement you once had? Perhaps it’s time to shake it up and get reenergized. Take a different approach to something you’ve been doing a certain way for a long time and see if it sparks a new energy or level of excitement. What you’ll most likely discover is an even better way to do it. Take a business challenge – Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something new. Forget the negative, or lack of, energy you’ve been feeling lately and just do it. What can you do this week that’s new? What can you do to bring some fresh juice into your business? Go ahead. Take a risk or two. It feels great. Have a sale – There’s a reason there are so many Christmas in July sales. They work. It may not be July, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a sale. People love a bargain. People love saving money, so get started. The beauty of a sale is you get to pull out some of the older products in your arsenal, dust off the cobwebs and bring them front and center again. What about that audio series you did at the beginning of the year? Why not put it on sale? How about an eBook you wrote? Put it on sale and see what happens. If you do decide to have a sale, make sure it’s a real sale. Saving 3% on a product won’t encourage anyone to sign up. Also, announce your sale. Just having a sale isn’t enough. You need to tell others about it. Announce it and promote it aggressively. Get back to writing – When was the last time you wrote an article on what makes you an expert? It’s time to write something new; something fresh. Even if you have a full schedule and tons of speaking engagements lined up, commit to writing more. Take a quick look at your blog right now. When was your last blog posting? It’s time to write. One of the things you’ll discover is not only will it help in your marketing efforts, but it will get you involved in your business again. To write, you really need to think about what makes you an expert. This simple process brings out the knowledge you have to share and can help get your creativity flowing. It’s time to take action today. Get excited about your business again. You’ll be amazed how this energy will flow not only in creating more sales and speaking engagements, but in the empowerment you’ll feel personally to do more and be more. It’s time to take action today. Get excited about your business again.