Soar to Success February 2022

Are you one of those people who start every year feeling that “This is my year”? And then it ends and you’re in the exact same place you were a year ago? It doesn’t have to be that hard every time. Today, you can take control and make this year your best year ever. Not by changing things that happen to you or the circumstances, but by changing what everything means to you. To change your life, you don’t have to spend another year wishing things were different or being disappointed in yourself for not taking any action to achieve your goals. Let’s get started on how to make this year your best year ever. 1. Set SMART Goals Before you set any goals, start by evaluating and reflecting where you are at the moment. Three Steps to Making This Year Your Best Year Ever By Holly Kile The things you have done and your experiences this year can help you plan for a better year. Take time to reflect on where you are now. Most of the times we forget to do this. Another year passes by, and we don’t look back because we’re too excited to start the New Year. Reflecting and evaluating the last year will determine how you plan for the next year. Look at your life and ask yourself where you want to be in the future. What do you want to change? And what do you want to achieve? Set your goals by deciding how you want your life to be and where you want to be. However, when setting your goals, make sure they’re measurable and have a deadline. For example, if you want to be healthier, you can