direction to the newly hired person, so they are left to figure things out on their own. This is where I come in. “The two biggest challenges I hear from clients is ‘Where do I start?’ and ‘What should I do first?’ The simple answer is you start where you are today.” The first step you should take to get started is to complete a Materiality Assessment. This will help you identify the largest areas of risk for your company which will guide your strategy and then set you on your way with the associated actions. Christy has two free resources on her website to help companies with this. ESG Components Here are some quick tips and insights to get you started. Carbon is the hottest Environmental topic right now. This is being discussed extensively because there are disclosure requirements in the EU and UK but it’s on the horizon through the SEC in the US. The Federal Government just recently released requirements for contractors. If you have a fleet, consider electric vehicles. Carbon can be complex so if you want to do something that might be easier think about recycling or composting. Social refers to the human side of your business and usually resides under the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) umbrella. Some examples include considerations of the impact on people from the products you source or sell to consumers and the treatment of your own employees. Some simple actions you can consider increasing your DEI performance include ensuring your job descriptions are free of bias or consider implementing a hiring board for employee interviews. “We have one client that is trying to lower employee turnover and we are helping them understand that through the lens of ESG. We have reviewed and updated hiring