SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article 3 Keys to Soar to Success When Soar to Success asked Julie what three personality traits she found in most successful people, she said: 2 1 3 Clarity “The person understands who they are serving and why they are serving them. “ Determination “A determination to not let any challenge stop them from achieving the end goal.” Get It Done “The person has the will and drive to get it done and see the project through to the end.” for authors is that there is less competition in that segment.” Even though Julie is involved in the day-to-day grind of running a business, it’s not all work and no play for her. She has a five-year old son, who loves to swim and play with Legos. She also takes care of herself and enjoys working out at the gym and going for hikes at Red Rock Canyon and Mount Charleston outside Las Vegas where she lives. You can also find her occasionally playing Texas Hold’em Poker at the local casinos. Our interview with Julie contains great information for would be authors. You can watch it on YouTube or listen on iTunes. Julie is easy to find. BookLaunchers.TV is her channel on YouTube. If you would like to learn more visit her website: Potential authors can download her informative, “The 7 Steps to Write a Book That Will Sell.”