Six Habits to Building Generational Wealth By Karen Cupp Families who build and retain generational wealth do much more than accumulate money. They adopt healthy mindset habits and take action! Ben Franklin said, “all mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are moveable, and those that move.” Families that build generational wealth are willing to embrace the belief that being wealthy is a positive attribute. Six Habits that will help you get started shifting your trajectory toward generational wealth and building a legacy for your family, include: First, shift from depending on making an income, to following the balance sheet. The Income method depends on the income that an employer pays you. The balance sheet method follows assets (what you own) less liabilities (what you owe) ending up with what it purely yours to keep. Secondly, utilize the balance sheet to take an honest look at where you are. Most people mistakenly believe that their home is their biggest asset when in fact it is