Soar to Success April 2022

Are MSPs Missing Out Not Offering Cloud? Is your MSP Business missing out if you aren’t offering cloud? Here is the importance of providing the option. There’s no doubt that since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud computing has had a huge jump forward in terms of popularity and technology. But how will offering cloud impact your MSP’s growth and success? Here’s a quick look at some of the top reasons why managed service providers must be offering cloud to their customers: Why you’re missing out if you aren’t offering cloud • Your customers want it. When everyone was suddenly working from home during By Jeanne DeWitt the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses suddenly realized that they had a problem. It would be prohibitively expensive to add new licenses to install software onto their employees’ home computers. For that reason, cloud solutions, based on accounts rather than installed systems, became a strong trend. • It provides cost savings to your customers. Because they can go month by month in many cases, the customer can see significant savings over a high up-front expense for software that may not work effectively for their situation. This allows you to onboard more new customers that would be priced out of higher-priced options and lead