Soar to Success April 2022

Setting Expectations The other day, I saw a post on Twitter from a business owner who was frustrated and upset because a client emailed him at 4:30 in the afternoon one day and then left a voicemail message early the next morning seeking a response. The owner was feeling frustrated that he wasn’t given any time to respond. He felt like he was really being pushed. He was wondering if he was right to be annoyed. You have to set expectations for your customers early and often.When you get a newclient there’s By Diane Helbig real value in learning about them. Try to discover how they need to receive information. We are aware of what’s going on so we assume everyone is in the know. However, silence to a customer equals no activity, no progress. There are a couple of things that we can do to help ourselves and help our clients. The first one is to set up a communication structure so that it is part of the policy and process for communicating progress or lack of it, aswell aswhatwe’redoingabout it. This shouldbe