Soar to Success April 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Book Recommendation People Buy You: The Real Secret To What Matters Most in Business By Jeb Blount Your ability to build lasting business relationships that allow you to close more deals, retain clients, increase your income, and advance your small business, depends on your skills for getting other people to like you, trust you, and BUY YOU. ,I \RX KDYH GLIĆFXOW\ VHOOLQJ \RXU products/services, this book offers a straight-forward, actionable formula for creating instant connections with prospects and customers, People Buy You will enable you to achieve a whole new level of success in your EXVLQHVV <RXèOO GLVFRYHU • Three relationship myths that are holding you back • Five levers thatopenthedoor tostronger relationships that quickly increase sales, improve retention, and increase SURĆWV • The real secret to making instant emotional connections that eliminate objections and move buyers to reveal their real problems and needs • How to anchor your business relationships and create loyal customers who will never leave you for a competitor • How to build your personal brand to improve your professional presence and stand-out in the marketplace , HQFRXUDJH \RX WR UHDG WKLV ERRN VR \RX FDQ evaluate your relationship tactics, customize a strategy that works for your business, and create the sales success of your dreams in 2020. By Pat Altvater $ERXW WKH $XWKRU -(% %/2817 LV &(2 DW 6DOHV *UDY\ ,QF DQG RQH RI WKH PRVW VRXJKW DIWHU and transformative speakers in the world today. He is a sales acceleration specialist who helps sales organizations and entrepreneurs reach peak performance—fast—through enhanced emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills in sales, leadership, customer experience, channel management, and strategic account management. -HE KDV EHHQ UHFRJQL]HG DV RQH RI WKH 7RS 0RVW ,QćXHQWLDO /HDGHUV LQ 6DOHV DQG 0DUNHWLQJ E\ 7RS 6DOHV 0DJD]LQH DQG RQH RI WKH :RUOGèV 7RS 6RFLDO 6HOOLQJ ,QćXHQFHUV E\ )RUEHV He is the bestselling author of numerous books, including Fanatical Prospecting, Sales EQ, Fanatical Military Recruiting, People Follow You, and People Buy You.