Soar to Success April 2022

Company culture serves as the background for everything the company does. It incorporates philosophies around how the company treats its people, its customers and vendors and how they are perceived both in the marketplace and as an employer. Culture drives conversations around values, implementation of policies, development and growth of employees and how to both on-board and offboard individuals. In short, the culture will define how people behave within the company. Often, a company culture has evolved into something that isn’t really aligned with the overall values and strategic direction of a company. Culture can actually work against the achievement of strategic objectives if it is not aligned properly. One company client with whom I worked was frustrated. The owners’ wanted a flexible workforce, but the employees were timeclock driven, though all were salaried employees. In this company, everyone arrived at exactly 8am, at 12:00 everyone would get up and go to lunch andreturn to theirdesksat exactly1pm. At5pm, there was a steady stream of people walking out the door. No matter how much work was piling up, the employees were committed to an 8-hour day, and not a minute more. This company had at one time in their past established expectations around the workday that encouraged this compliance with an exact number of hours. The new owners wanted a workforce that would focus on job completion within customer deadlines. They By Megan Patton Be Intentional About Your Culture