Soar to Success May2021

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies 3. Desire to Settle Fear can make us settle for less than our expectations. “This last year was tough… why would I take a risk right now?!”. But the problem with this mindset is that you are limiting yourself from any further growth. Without risk, there’s no reward. If you settle for less today, who knows how much potential your business may lose in the future. In fact, avoiding risks in business is the biggest risk you can take . Never stop working towards the growth of your business, no matter how hard yesterday was. 4. Getting Lazy… Because it’s Safer One of the things we do as humans, often unknowingly, whenweget out of aperiodof chaos is to avoid any further chaos like the plague. We sink back into our initial comfort zones, our lofty goals shrink, we avoid taking any risks, and get content in this safe, non-ambitious space we are now in. In a sense, we get lazy. We stop reaching for our dreams... but the underlying reason is out of fear of more potential failure, rejection and loss. But imagine if you were getting the same results as you are now for the next five years... There’s no way! You have so much more of this beautiful mountain to climb. You can’t stop reaching for the success of your dreams because of one hard year. 5. ForgettingWhat’s Most Important in Life Whenwe talk about success, we need to be aware that the reason we want to be successful in life has nothing to do with the actual money. It’s in order to live the life we want… the life we think will make us the happiest. It’s so we can spend more time doing things we love, with the people we love. Provide a beautiful life for our families. Or if we don’t have love, to attract love. There are somany peoplewhobecome successful and forget why… and so they are unhappy. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and lose touch with your loved ones because you want to make money. Never forget the true essence of why you strive for success. Eliyahu Jian Eliyahu Jian is a transformational life and business coach, author and motivational speaker who has worked with some of the world’s most famous and influential people, including Madonna, Demi Moore and Guy Ritchie, and helped thousands more worldwide transform their lives. To learn more or to get in touch visi t