Soar to Success December 2021

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article 3 Keys to Soar to Success When Soar to Success asked Darlene what three personality traits she found in most successful people, she said: 2 3 1 Listen to Your Gut - I think it’s so incredibly important to listen to those little voices that go on sometimes in your head. It might really take you a little while to know you’re right or wrong, but listening to your gut will serve you well. Believe - I believe it’s important to believe in yourself, to believe in the vision and direction that you have for yourself. Again, sometimes things happen, and you’re not sure why they’re happening, but stay strong and stay true. Stamina - it’s important to stay strong with your vision and your confidence in yourself, and the journey and path that you have for yourself. It’s not easy. Make sure that you mentally have the stamina to stay strong for the long haul. She also realized the importance of enjoying the journey. “I kept thinking, I’ll make a lot of money, get a certain house and then I’ll be happy, successful and fulfilled. But I found, there are times when you’re going to take steps forward, and then you’re going to take steps backward. I think the goal is to enjoy the journey along the way, and not get lost in those steps, “I have to do this, I have to do that. You may never get to that end point.” So now Darlene focuses on experiences and memories and doing things to push herself out of comfort zone and challenge herself versus obtaining things. We thoroughly enjoyed our discussion with Darlene. You can listen to our podcast, which includes additional information that we didn’t have room to include in this article. You’ll find it on iTunes a nd YouTube. W e thought her three traits to Soar to Success were so spot on, that we even featured them later in the magazine, click here for that segment. To find out more about Darlene and her company Direct Opinions visit the website: or find her onLinkedIn. A lso, to learnmore about customer acceleration™ read her blog post: Customer Acceleration™ vs. Customer Satisfaction.