Soar to Success December 2021
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article Darlene tells her clients that her work always pays for itself, just like in this example. Today, Direct Opinions includes a knowledgeable staff of 25 employees, many of whom are the skilled interviewers, including several who have been with her for over 15 years. “Being able to accurately compile the data and create a viable strategy requires experienced interviewers. Additional follow up questions to better understand what the client really feels and what they are thinking become important in the overall process.” Darlene is on the Board of Directors for Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) Cleveland, a global membership of small to medium size businesses. She just finished a term as the President of EOA, which is an accelerator group of business owners under $1 mil in revenue and has been mentoring and coaching other members for over six years. Darlene at the EOA Retreat
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