Soar to Success August 2021

PAT ALTVATER Morning Routine: Do You Have One? Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing I buy in to the idea of having a morning routine, but I have discovered that my routine – what sets me up to be the best every day – is kind of unusual. I tried getting up and meditating. I couldn’t do that consistently because I was anxious to get to my computer. One thing I do that is a common recommendation is to create my plan for the day, the night before, so I know what’s on tap for that day. Here’s what I do in the morning. I don’t get up…ha,ha, well, eventually I do. But after I wake up, I stay in bed for about 10 - 15 minutes and think about things I want answers to, decisions I have to make, the direction I want to take my business, a video script I’m writing, a problem a client is having…not all in the same day, obviously, but I spend time putting out to the Universe the key things for that day. Asking for guidance and support. Then I get up, make the bed, brush my teeth, grab my coffee and check email. I know, all the morning routine guru’s think that’s the absolute wrong thing to do, but it’s what I enjoy. While I’m checking my email, I play a song from YouTube that makes me feel energized. Today it was Steve Winwood, Wake Me Up On Judgment Day. I believe a morning routine doesn’t mean getting up at a certain time or doing a set of activities that someone else prescribes are best. No, it’s setting up habits that are best for you, those that give you energy and allow you to be more productive throughout your day, and then doing them consistently every day. Mid-afternoon when I need a break, I take time to read something from an inspirational book, like the one we feature in our book recommendation this month. Sometimes I visualize, do affirmations, or write in my gratitude journal. I feel more ready to do those things in the afternoon. What’s your morning routine? Do you do it consistently? Enjoy all the articles in this issue and don’t forget to take advantage of the links provided.