Soar to Success April 2021

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies • Find major mistakes that cost you time, money and sales right now; • Discover issues before they turn into major problems; and • Learn more about your customers and what they really want! Face it. You are probably too close to all of your messaging and procedures to see them with “fresh” eyes. And yes, it can be very difficult to open yourself up to criticism from outsiders. However, it’s much easier if you start with baby steps. To begin, find an expert you trust who will give you honest feedback. Then, have them review a simple email message, landing page, marketing letter, article, or another piece of content. Make it as simple as possible for them with a short list of questions like: 1. What is the overall message you receive from this piece of content? 2. How does it make you feel? 3. After reading it, do you know what you are supposed to do next? 4. Is it interesting? Why? 5. If not, where did you lose interest? 6. Do you see errors? 7. Do all of the links work? 8. Is there anything we can add or sub-tract from this piece to make it stronger? 9. What suggestions do you have for improving this website, email, brochure, etc? 10. Do you have any other comments you would like to provide about this piece? Then, review each of their responses with them and take notes. Be sure to thank them accordingly with a personal card, gift or something else to show that you really appreciate their time and effort. Then, comes the most important part… Act onWhat you Learned! Correct the newfound errors immediately, re- write your content accordingly and track the re- sults. Then, start the entire review process over again with another communications piece, busi- ness procedure or something else. Yes, this is time consuming and can be very intimidating. But it’s well worth it. By having outside experts regularly review your business communications and more, you can share your unique message with the right audience in the right way and generate sales fast. Goodbye April showers. Hello success! By having outside experts regularly review your business communications and more, you can share your unique message with the right audience in the right way and generate sales fast.