Soar to Success April 2021

When was the last time you asked for help? How are things going with your business right now? If things are looking grim, it’s time to remember the popular saying, “April showers bring May flowers! As entrepreneurs, we can all use a little help from others. But this can be difficult because our business is our baby. We work hard to help it grow into a huge success and protect it with our life. With this in mind… When was the last time you asked others for their suggestions, critiques and assistance regarding your business? If you do this on a regular basis, congratulations! You have unlocked a key to success and growth. If not, it may be time to open up a bit and let others in. Get Out of Your Rut! By having outside experts, members of your target market, associates, and people you trust review your marketing materials and key aspects of your business, you can: By Melanie Rembrandt Outside Input May Be Your Missing Link for Business Success