Soar to Success April 2021
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies Asking poor questions in meetings or none at all Poor listening, talking over customers Selling on price not value No formal sales process The above are the broken windows you can observe. What are the broken windows we need to find through a sales assessment? They are: Motivation Accountability Will to Sell Comfort using Video-meeting tools Ability to work remotely Mindset How about your organization… What brokenwindows have you observed in your sales teams that are negatively impacting your profitable growth plans? Do you have associates in key sales leadership roles that have not been trained to lead salespeople? Doesyour salesorganizationhave themotivation, mindset and will to sell? (are you sure?) If we allow broken windows in how we sell, they ultimately hurt our ability to drive profitable sales growth and increase shareholder value. If you would like to quickly assess your team and discover broken windows that are costing you sales you should have won, please contact me.
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