Soar to Success September 2020

F or decades, companies have recognized that using assessments are a powerful resource capable of transforming individual effectiveness, company culture and profitability with uncanny speed. The benefits of using assessments can be profound and not always designed to reveal apparent “right” or “wrong” answers. Individuals participate freely because they know they will not pass or fail, but uncover important information about themselves, and increase awareness of their own tendencies relating to how they interact with others. The assessments can also reveal perceptions andperspectives that caneither hinder or enhance their ability to connect, communicate and interact in a way that supports mutual growth and understanding. It is important for employees to have the necessary skills to demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors that would enable them to succeed within each company’s unique environment. We believe understanding the way a team communicates, their behavioral style and what motivates them are key components in developing a healthy culture. DISC Assessment gives insight into four behavior styles By Janice Jokkel and “how” someone will behave, the Motivators Assessment gives in-depth identification and exploration of seven dimensions and how they uniquely combine to influence behavior, decision and actions and explains “why” we want to act. The Critical Thinking Assessment measures and provides insight into Thinking Style and is made up of 2 key areas - Critical Processing Patterns and Thinking Strengths & Abilities. We have found success using all three of these assessments in the hiring and selection process in order to bring on the right person for the right role the first time. A bad hire is not only costly, but it can also be detrimental to an organization. You can identify strengths and potential risks of job applicants BEFORE the interview process and make thoughtful, scientifically informed decisions. More importantly, you can be confident that you have found the best fit for your company. The EIQ-2Assessment isoftenusedwhendeveloping teams and measuring emotional intelligence and the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions (self or intrapersonal) and the ability to Assessments Drive Development